Etching is a method of intaglio printmaking. The image is drawn on a copper plate covered with waxy hard ground. The drawn lines unmasks the copper and the picture is etched onto the plate with the help of acid. Etched lines form furrows to hold the printing ink and the printed work on the paper is a mirror image of what has been drawn on the plate.
The first steps in the development of technology were seen in the Middle Ages with gunsmiths and decorative engravers, who began to take prints of engraved and etched patterns on weapons and other objects. The inventor of etching is probably the German Daniel Hopfer (c. 1470-1536), who started printmaking when he tried to take prints of the engraved coat of arms.
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), one of the great masters of the Renaissance, should be mentioned among the first masters of etching. The first dated print is from 1513, by Urs Graf. The Frenchman Jacques Callot (1592-1635) was the first to use gradual etching technique in his etchings. The technology has developed only little through the centuries and it has remained viable to modern times.
Etching is first and foremost the art of a line, and appreciating the craftsmanship of art. It is possible to build whole worlds from small lines and tell interesting stories. The roots of printmaking rest strongly in the tradition of book illustration, which I value very much. I have followed the path indicated by Rembrandt, Piranesi and my own father Simo Hannula. For my part, I want to continue to preserve this legacy. All my works are original graphics printed by me.
Enclosed is a selection of small etchings, biblical images belonging to the lovetrees series. The starting point for these is a relationship, a range of life situations and emotions, olive trees and verses from the Bible. I made the first etchings from the lovetrees series in the early 90s, when I had been in Spain, France and Italy drawing – among other things – olive trees. Those sketches began to take on a life of their own in my imagination. I have returned to the theme regularly over the years.
Etsauksia surrealismin hengessä
Arvostan tekniikan hallintaa, tarkkaa viivaa ja mielikuvituksen käyttöä, mikä selittää luonnollisen viehtymykseni surrealistiseen ilmaisuun. Surrealismissa sekoittuu uni ja todellisuus.
Kuvia kehystetystä grafiikasta
Toimitan taidegrafiikan työt vain vedoksina. Ohessa kuitenkin kuvia kehystetyistä teoksista. Kehystys viimeistelee taidegrafiikan teoksen ja erilaisilla kehystysratkaisuilla voidaan vaikuttaa teoksen ilmeeseen hyvin monella tavalla.